History of Ocean Providence 1963~2004
Mr. Tateo Sato, who was an Ocean Church leader in USA up to 2004, has recorded the Ocean Providence history led by Rev. Sun Myung Moon up to 2004. (New materials after 2004 will be added in the future!!)
Chapter 1: Dawn of Ocean Providence 1963~1993
In this chapter we will introduce the beginning phase of the dawn of the Ocean Providence created by True Parents. The following will feature their pioneer work in the fields of commercial and sportfishing, such as fishing boat construction and fishery businesses spanning the oceans, rivers, and lakes, to all areas of the marine industry.
Chapter 2: Investments toward the Completion of an Ideal Boat
1993 - 2004
On December 30, 1993, Rev. Sun Myung Moon declared the "Beginning of the Providence of Ocean Hobby Industry" at Han Nam Dong, Korea.
In the following year of 1994, the United Nations ratified the International Maritime Law and the world entered the era where each nation is allowed to declare their own oceanic territory of 200 nautical miles off its coasts.
Rev. Moon then started the development of boats suitable for the Age of Ocean Hobby Industry as the 200-nautical miles region as its stage.
Chapter 3: Road to the Establishment of the Global Ocean Hobby Industry Model Base
1993 - 2004
This chapter introduces fields in the Ocean Hobby Industry other than boats. The chapter summarizes various activities such as fishing pioneering, fishing tackle providence, fish farming, fishing tournaments to advance the industry, global ocean leadership workshops, and others.
True Father expanded the Ocean Hobby Industry from North America to South America, and then to the Pacific Rim, and finally to Korea. It became clear that his aim is to establish Ocean Hobby Industry Model Bases in each location that encompasses all of the Ocean Hobby Industries he had been developing and to globalize this Providence to usher in the coming of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.

Historical Photos